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DanGer Shock Results from Dr. Jacob Møller at ACC 2024

Jacob Møller, MD, the principal investigator of the DanGer Shock trial, discusses study results he presented at ACC 2024.

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EACTS 2023 Dr. Kaveh Eghbalzadeh: Awake Insertion of Impella 5.5® with SmartAssist®

Kaveh Eghbalzadeh, MD, PhD, describes his first experiences with awake insertion of the Impella 5.5® with SmartAssist® in Cologne.

From Medical Therapy to Mechanical Support – Strategies for Device Selection and Insertion Techniques

Letizia Bertoldi, MD, and colleagues describe how catecholamines and percutaneous ventricular assist devices (pVADs) are used to treat cardiogenic shock (CS). Bertoldi et al.

Bill O’Neill: High-Risk PCI and Use of MCS

William O’Neill, MD, defines high-risk PCI and explains how to decide when to use mechanical circulatory support in this short interview.

Alejandro Lemor, MD: A-SMART-EF Score

Alejandro F. Lemor, MD, disusses A-SMART-EF, a new risk score for predicting outcomes in patients supported with Impella® during PCI.

EACTS 2023 Alexander Bernhardt: Perioperative Use of Impella® Heart Pump in Cardiac Surgery

Alexander Bernhardt, MD, discusses the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative use of Impella® in cardiac surgery.

York Data Analysis About Complete Revascularization With pVAD vs IABP: York I vs York II - A Comparison

Learn more about the data and differences between part I and part II from the York data analysis.

Acute Coronary Syndromes and High-Risk PCI: State of the Art - Predictive Value of Residual Syntax Score for Clinical Outcomes After High-Risk Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

In the presentation titled “Predictive value of residual SYNTAX score for clinical outcomes after high-risk percutaneous coronary intervention: Evidence from pooled analysis of prospective studies,” Vasileios Panoulas, MD, and colleagues...

ESC 2023: Predictors of 90-day Outcomes from York Analysis

Vasileios Panoulas, MD, discusses a pooled analysis of factors predicting outcomes at 90 days in high-risk PCI patients.

Revascularization Completeness with pVAD vs IABP

In a third-party analysis conducted by the York Health Economics Consortium was evaluated to test the hypothesis that percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with Impella® support...

EuroPCR 2023: Best Practice Approach to High-risk PCI 

Nikos Werner, MD, discusses best practices for high-risk percutaneous coronary interventions (HRPCI) at EuroPCR 2023.

EuroPCR 2023: How to Optimize High-risk PCI Patient Outcome: Discussion & Audience Interaction

Javier Escaned, MD, Nikos Werner, MD, Dirk Westermann, MD, and Vasileios Panoulas, MD, answer questions following the EuroPCR session “How to optimize high-risk patient outcome?”

Pre-Procedural Clinical Workup for Protected PCI

Fadi Al-Rashid, MD, discusses his publication on standard pre-procedural clinical workup for Protected PCI.

Optimized Patient Selection for High-risk Protected PCI

Jürgen Leick, MD, discusses his paper on optimizing patient selection in high-risk protected percutaneous coronary intervention.

Optimal Revascularization Strategies During Protected PCI

Prof. Dr. Jan-Malte Sinning discusses optimal revascularization strategies during protected high-risk procedures with Impella® heart pumps.

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CAMP PCI was developed by physicians for physicians in an effort to respond to a growing crisis in coronary artery disease and heart failure.


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